Club Assembly: 
Our meeting had great discussion on where to meet, when to meet and meeting format. Following the meeting, a survey was given to those in attendance. Thank you to those members who could not attend but sent their feedback. Your commitment and dedication to our club is greatly appreciated.  The board met on Tuesday evening and reviewed the results and input from members and decided on the meeting schedule as announced.  The board encourages member attendance and participation as it is essential to the survival of our club.  The membership committee is beginning a Membership push in July with the goal of obtaining at least 10 new members.
Today was Club President Lisa's last meeting. We want to thank her for leading us thru a crazy and difficult year.  She did an amazing job under very unusual and unprecedented times.  We are grateful to have had her leadership.
Next month we welcome Jim Thompson as our President.  Jim stepped up into this role after another member left the club during the pandemic. We are grateful for his willingness to serve the club and look forward to the next year with him as our President.  